Raspberries: Excellent supplier of vitamins and minerals Natural medicine natural remedies specialist portal

Raspberries: Excellent supplier of vitamins and minerals Natural medicine natural remedies specialist portal

Raspberry season has begun

Raspberries belong due to their unique flavor to the most delicious fruits for fresh consumption. Their great popularity with consumers, explains the inner and consumers. Preferably be mostly berries native. This currently season. Who do you like nibbles is also Good for your health.

Raspberries have in this country is from June to October is the peak season. The red fruit because of their pleasant sweet taste, especially enjoyed on its own, they can be processed but also the summer delights such as fruit pies, jams, jellies, and juices. The berries are rich in important vitamins and contain valuable minerals, and digestion-promoting dietary fiber.

Most of the berries will be imported

In yogurt, on top of the cake, as a fresh Snack, Smoothie, jam, or very precious as a fruity splash of color in a sparkling wine or mineral water to taste raspberries to almost all of the excellent, the consumer advice centre Bremen in a recent communication. While you come in the spring rather from southern European countries, is now in Germany, too, harvest time is the best time to enjoy fresh raspberries.

In the winter months they don’t grow in this country to buy, but there are still, because they come from warm areas (the southern hemisphere) such as South Africa or South America. Because they do not store well, they often have a long journey with the plane behind.

“As a result, the ecological footprint of Schälchens flight is about 15 raspberries-times as large as the seasonal raspberries, which are transported with the truck,” explains Sonja roadside Becker, a consultant for food and nutrition of the consumer advice centre Bremen.

The German main growing areas are more likely to be in the South, the greatest yield were areas in the past year, in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. But also from lower Saxony, there are fresh raspberries in significant amounts. Since the Germans love the little berry, not the rich own income by far, and it imported 84 percent of the raspberries.

Healthy Ingredients

As the public health portal of Austria’s “health.gv.at“ it is said, raspberries are a low-calorie Treat. There are about 85 percent water. In spite of its intense Sweetness, the berries have sugar relatively little. Their high fibre content, laxative.

Especially if you are sun harvested matured, full of just as before important ingredients such as Vitamin C and B, and are also rich in minerals such as phosphorus and Calcium. Also potassium, Magnesium, manganese, and iron are included. Their antioxidants and dyes, the count of the secondary plant substances the flavonoids have health-promoting properties.

According to the consumer their ingredients used for food supplements. “The so-called raspberry ketones are frequently advertised as Slimming, but this effect could not be demonstrated. Such products can have dangerous side effects! Therefore, a better fresh fruit attack!“, so roadside Becker.

Properly store

Raspberries pressure are very sensitive and unfortunately not for long. Stored in the refrigerator, they can be used for three days. The berries should be interpreted at best in a shallow vessel in a location and with a dry cloth covered.

“Who has plenty of raspberries to be harvested, you can make by Freezing or Drying, a longer shelf life. Frozen berries in the Winter, wonderful in the Smoothie use,“ says roadside Becker.

It is important that frozen, purchased berries are heated before consumption necessarily. Because the berries can be reached during cultivation, harvest or processing of pathogens, for noroviruses, which are destroyed by Heating to 90 degrees Celsius. (ad)

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