Cancer: The food that could inhibit cancer growth and slash the risk of the disease by 50%

Cancer: The food that could inhibit cancer growth and slash the risk of the disease by 50%

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Cancer is a group of diseases characterised by an unruly division and multiplication of malignant cells. The condition is treatable in the initial stages, but it can quickly become deadly once it’s spread to neighbouring regions in the body. According to one body of research, spinach could inhibit polyp growth and reduce the risk of colon cancer by 50 percent.

The relationship between food and cancer has shifted in recent years, and experts believe as many as one in 20 cancers could be avoided through a healthy diet.

There is no evidence, however, that any diet is able to cure the disease.

According to one body of research, eating spinach regularly could be linked to a significantly lower risk of colon cancer.

The study, from Texas A&M University, was one of the first to establish how exactly spinach may reduce the risk of cancer.

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The researchers found that spinach could inhibit the growth of polyps among people with both non-genetic and genetic colon cancer.

Polyps are clusters of cells that grow inside the lining of the colon and can turn cancerous.

In preventing the growths from forming, the risk of cancer could diminish by as much as 50 percent in some patients, said the researchers.

The senior investigator of the study, Roderick Dashwood, said spinach consumption should be encouraged for individuals looking to lower their risk of the disease.

The conclusions were made after rodents fed spinach for 26 weeks “exhibited significant anti-tumour efficacy.”

The plant contains high levels of zeaxanthin and carotenoids, which have been shown to flush out the free radicals from the body.

Free radicals cause damage to DNA, playing a role in the development of cancer and other diseases.

The food has also been shown to prevent stomach cancer, mouth cancer and oesophagus cancer.

It also has a number of benefits for other health aspects such as weight loss and reducing blood sugar and hypertension.

The plant also contains nutrients such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, which both serve as protection against a number of diseases.

WebMD adds: “Spinach has vitamins and mineral-like vitamin E and magnesium that support your immune system.”

“This system keeps you safe from viruses and bacteria that cause disease. It also defends your body from other things that can hurt you, like toxins.”

Side effects of spinach

Although spinach is generally deemed safe, some individuals may need to exercise caution when eating the food.

It contains high amounts of oxalate, which means people with kidney stones may have to minimise consumption,

Individuals taking blood-thinning medication may also need to manage their intake of vitamin K.

It is therefore advised to consult a health practitioner before making any drastic change to your diet.

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