The research team of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Toyohashi University of Technology and the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine have proposed a new drug to treat…
Read MoreStudy identifies a nonhuman primate model that mimics severe COVID-19 similar to humans
Aged, wild-caught African green monkeys exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with clinical symptoms similar to those observed in the most serious human cases of COVID-19, report researchers in The American Journal of Pathology, published…
Read MoreDo children view punishment as rehabilitative? A new study takes a look
The United States incarcerates more residents than any other country, however there is limited research that examines how people view such punishment, and whether views about punishment change with development. Previous research on this topic raises two very different possibilities:…
Read MoreThis Guy Tried the ‘Potato Diet’ for a Week and Lost 6 Pounds
Consider the humble potato. Long a dietary staple, in recent years its had its ups and downs, leading to general confusion over whether it’s really healthy. Short answer: yes, if you’re eating potatoes, not french fries and chips, which helps…
Read MoreAm I OK? How to do a mental health check
How am I doing? It’s a question most of us have likely asked ourselves, especially during the pandemic, which has distressed us, upended us, disconnected us. Maybe you asked it when two bad days turned into four, or when you…
Read MoreScientists demonstrate the role of a protein called ADAMTS1 in rare eye cancer
Scientists from the University of Granada and GENYO (Pfizer-University of Granada-Andalusian Government Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research), in a study led by Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Manzaneque, have demonstrated the significant role of a protein called ADAMTS1 in uveal melanoma, one…
Read MoreTuberculosis kills as many people each year as COVID-19. It’s time we found a better vaccine
In July 1921, a French infant became the first person to receive an experimental vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), after the mother had died from the disease. The vaccine, known as Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), is the same one still used today….
Read MoreThis 36-Year-Old Mother of 4 Died of a Pulmonary Embolism While She Was Pregnant Fans of Emily Mitchell were shocked to learn weeks ago that pregnant Instagram influencer and her unborn son died three days before Christmas after she became unresponsive at breakfast. Now, her family has shared what happened. Mitchell, 36, who…
Read MoreActing quickly after heart attack symptoms start can be a heart saver
The longer the time between when heart attack symptoms start and a patient has an artery-clearing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), the more damage to the heart muscle, according to new research published today in Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions. A heart attack…
Read MoreAn Astrologer Reveals What Being Born On A Cusp Really Means
Born on the cusp? You’re in good company. So were, according to Stars Insider, Rihanna (Aquarius/Pisces), Nicole Kidman (Gemini/Cancer), Brad Pitt (Sagittarius/Capricorn), and Selena Gomez (Cancer/Leo). While being born on the dividing line of two astrological signs doesn’t guarantee you…
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