In Berlin, the reproduction number is called the R-value to 1.95 jumped. This means that an Infected person infects, on average, about two additional persons. Because the R-value is in Berlin now for three days as a result above the critical mark of 1.2, the first of three Corona lights to Red.
Berlin has introduced for the control of the Corona-measures its own traffic light System. This consists of three sets of traffic lights (the R-value, new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, proportion of occupied ICU beds). Two lights are simultaneously red, wants to strengthen the Berlin Senate, the measures to contain the Coronavirus again.
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The R-value is below 1.1, the first Corona-light green. He is three days in a row more than 1.1, it jumps to Yellow. The R-value is for three consecutive days, about 1,2, jumps the Corona-traffic light on Red.
Similarly, the other traffic lights. In less than 20 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, the traffic light remains green. The value rises above 20, it jumps the traffic lights on Yellow. The value rises above 30, it will jump to Red.
Less than 15 percent of intensive care beds are occupied, the light turns Green. The occupancy increases to about 15 percent, jumping the traffic lights on Yellow. The occupancy is rising again to over 25 percent, will jump to the Corona-traffic light on Red.
Shortly before the fatal Attack and So it came to the arrest of George Floyd
KameraOne Shortly before the fatal Attack and So it came to the arrest of George Floyd