Merkel called for: the CDU Minister President in the East against local exit lock

Merkel called for: the CDU Minister President in the East against local exit lock

The Corona-pandemic keeps the world in suspense: More than 12 million people were infected with the novel Coronavirus, 198.613 of them in Germany. The United States reported almost daily new record numbers.

Corona-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: Kretschmer closes exit lock for Saxony practically from the Haseloff skeptical (11.31 p.m.) Corona onset on the freighter puts Doctors in front of mystery (15.41 hours), and Corona-Hotspot USA: Texas newspaper published 43 pages with obituaries (7.36 PM)

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TOP NEWS: Kretschmer excludes exit lock for Saxony and practically, also Haseloff skeptical

Saxony’s Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmer (CDU) holds a local exit lock for regions with a Corona outbreak, only to difficult to implement. "We have large counties in the state of Saxony. I can’t imagine a scenario in which we lock an entire County with a Departure belegen", informed the head of government on Wednesday on Twitter. This could be in other regions of Germany, with smaller counties are different. "For the free state, we can ausschließen&quot something almost;, so Kretschmer. This Thursday the Federal government and the Länder want to decide whether the possibility of local travel bans will be created.

Also Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) has appealed against the travel restrictions for residents of counties with acute Corona eruptions. In the ZDF-"Morgenmagazin" Haseloff called on Wednesday "differentiated solutions, because each Hotspot, is any infection anders". Mitigation measures should be practicable and "kontrollfähig" be. "Therefore, gender Gesprächsbedarf&quot is because;, added the CDU politician.

Haseloff pointed out that the state could not take action in the fight against the Corona pandemic any strict measures. "The Verdict is unequivocal: the reason you can’t einschränken&quot the rights of any;, the CDU-politician said. Therefore, it is "not praktikabel", Circles, to bar, to Corona-enforce the departure lock. Haseloff called "a Mischung" out of quarantine measures, but also a collective prohibition for people who want to travel from Corona Hotspots in other regions.

Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister signalled in the question, but at the same time, willingness to talk. "We are all interested in, that there is a uniform approach gibt", he said. Therefore, there will be a resolution. "But it will not look black-and-white." Protection measures Haseloff according to their own statements in any case continue to be necessary.

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