Margaret Stone, 79, of St Albans, who has lived with Parkinson’s for 8 years

Margaret Stone, 79, of St Albans, who has lived with Parkinson’s for 8 years

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The mother of three had to wait more than 10 months – in a “terrible state” – for her neurophysiotherapy appointment, which she then had to travel 30 miles to London to attend.

There was a 30- to 40-week waiting list at the facility 10 minutes from where she lives in St Albans, Herts.

Margaret, who was a primary school teacher before her retirement, said: “I was originally referred for an appointment in July 2021, as I had put my hip out. I was in a terrible state.

“I finally got a two-hour assessment with a London based neurophysio 10 months later.”

She added: “Travelling to London for an appointment is not the end of the world for me, but for many people that could make access to getting better healthcare impossible.

“Those with Parkinson’s must be strong – not just physically, but to have stamina and a good support network so that they can manage their condition in the best way.

“I’m concerned that a lot of people with Parkinson’s could not be as fortunate as I am.

“It is heartbreaking that we have a system of care which is not available to all those who need it, when they need it.”

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