Make sure kids melatonin use isnt a Band-Aid for a larger issue, says pediatrician

Make sure kids melatonin use isnt a Band-Aid for a larger issue, says pediatrician

sleep child

  • Bedtime routines without screen time: “Families can cut out the screen use before bed (one to two hours before), lower the lights, have a set bedtime every night, use noise machines, ear plugs or eye masks, and have a routine to help kids wind down. This includes baths, listening to music, reading or singing.”
  • Minimize weekend, vacation disruptions: “Weekends, vacations and daylight saving time changes can trip parents up, too. Try not to stray more than one to two hours from your child’s typical bedtime when there are disruptions to your child’s sleep schedule.”
  • Talk to your doctor: “If these things do not work, the next step is to talk to your child’s pediatrician or health care provider for additional support. They might then recommend melatonin, a referral to a sleep specialist or an additional medical work-up to get to the root cause.”

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