Looking for Your New Pretty Kitty? Look No Further!

Looking for Your New Pretty Kitty? Look No Further!

Los Angeles residents, your new feline companion has been found. They’re right here at the ASPCA! Check out some of our adorable felines below to see which one you’re ready to take home!


Meet Clementine! Clementine is sweet, kind and she knows what she wants—and she isn’t afraid to tell you! Clementine can be shy at first but will warm up within minutes of meeting someone. She then becomes friendly and social and loves a good head rub. Because Clementine requires a good amount of attention, she would be best suited for someone who works from home or lives in a household where she won’t be left alone for too long. She enjoys being entertained by her humans! Check out her profile to learn more!


Say hello to Tora! Tora is a very social and outgoing kitty who gets along great with everyone, including other cats and humans. He greets people at the door with a curious stare and will let anyone hold or pet him. He’s currently paired in a foster home with his cat buddy, Vinny. Tora and Vinny love to wrestle and chase each other around the house. Tora would love to be adopted with his bestie Vinny, or another young and playful cat that can match his kitten energy. Check out his profile for more info!


Meet Vinny! Vinny is a sensitive boy with a gentle personality and the sweetest spirit. He can be shy with new people and startles easily from unfamiliar noises. He would do best with a patient adopter who can give him space to decompress and let him adjust on his own time. Vinny is full of kitten energy and playful hijinks, and LOVES being around other cats. He is currently paired in a foster home with his cat buddy, Tora, and would love to be adopted with him or with another friendly cat to keep him company and help him feel more secure around humans. Check out his profile to learn more!


You have to see beautiful Callie! Callie has a sweet and gentle personality. She can be very shy in new settings and needs time to warm up to people. Callie prefers to first observe everything going on around her from a cozy spot before deciding to join in on the fun. Callie would thrive in a calm, quiet home with an older, friendly cat to keep her company. She isn’t a typical lap cat, but she will quickly become best buds with a new feline pal! Check out her profile for more info!


Ready to explore life with Dora?  Dora is looking for a patient and experienced pet parent who is able to provide a quiet, spacious and loving home for her to relax and enjoy the finer things in life. Dora is a spunky and independent gal. She can be very nervous and unsure in new places and with new people, but once Dora begins to trust you, she will seek out attention and pets. Check out her profile to learn more!

Boo Boo

Meet Boo Boo! Boo Boo is a sweet, laid-back gal looking for a new home to call her own. Boo Boo is always happy to receive attention and enjoys cuddling with her foster mom. She may be a little shy when she first meets new people or when placed in a new setting, but it doesn’t take long for her to adjust and seek out affection. She would do best in a quiet home with no young children and would prefer to be the only pet in the home. She would love your undivided attention and will give you endless cuddles and head butts in return! Check out her profile for more info!

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