Less meat, more foods of plant origin: New Nordic Nutrition Recommendations published

Less meat, more foods of plant origin: New Nordic Nutrition Recommendations published

green beans

A predominantly plant-based diet is recommended

Facts: Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023 (NNR 2023)

  • The recommended intake or reference value of the following nine nutrients has changed significantly from the previous edition: Vitamin E, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C, thiamin, calcium, zinc and selenium.
  • Pulses: Higher intake is recommended, especially for environmental reasons.
  • Alcohol: Since no safe threshold can be established for alcohol, the NNR2023 report recommends that everyone should avoid alcohol. Possible use should be very moderate. This recommendation also applies to women who are breastfeeding. A more restrictive recommendation (full abstinence) is recommended for children, adolescents and pregnant women.
  • Cereals: Higher intake of whole grains is recommended due to health effects and environmental impacts. It is recommended to have an intake of at least 90 g/day of whole grains.
  • Vegetables, berries and fruits: It is recommended to have an intake of 500–800 g/day or more of different vegetables, berries and fruits.
  • Fish: Higher intake of fish from sustainably managed stocks is recommended due to health effects and environmental impacts. It is recommended to have an intake of 300–450 g/week of fish, of which at least 200 g/week should be fatty fish.
  • Red meat: For health reasons, it is recommended to limit the intake of red meat to no more than 350 g/week. The intake of processed red meat should be minimal. For environmental reasons, the intake of red meat should be considerably lower than 350 g/week.
  • The Nordic Nutrition Recommendations form the scientific basis for the national nutrient intake recommendations and food recommendations of the Nordic and Baltic countries.
  • International cooperation between the Nordic countries has resulted in five previous editions of the recommendations, the first of which was published in 1980.
  • The previous edition from 2012 has been downloaded more than 300,000 times by decision-makers, researchers and students.

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