Infected in the district: The current Figures for all districts in Germany

Infected in the district: The current Figures for all districts in Germany

The Robert Koch Institute has published a new Coronavirus-card on the Internet, which provides precise information about which counties are affected by the epidemic. For the first time, a glimpse up at the County level is possible.

  • Corona-epidemic: click Here for district map of the Robert Koch-Institute

As before, the Numbers continue to grow on the infected and deceased Corona-patient, strong in Germany. Meanwhile, dozens of people have been killed in the Wake of the Coronavirus to. Of the epidemic, in particular, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are affected. However, there are also regional differences in the Federal States. A new Dashboard from the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) creates more clarity and shows where the true Corona Hotspots of the Republic.

The Robert Koch Institute has published a new, daily updates Covid-19-Dashboard, with the cases of infected and died Corona-patients in Germany are now up to the district level to understand. A regional breakdown of the numbers of cases possible. In addition, the Dashboard provides an Overview of age, gender, and the rise in case numbers.

Where are the Coronavirus-high castles of Germany?

Local or regional Corona-high-castles, which have many cases per 100,000 population (dark blue on the map), are thus easily recognizable (such as the upper Palatinate, a small town of Mitterteich on the Czech border, or the district of Heinsberg in NRW). It is striking that the (less densely populated) East German länder are affected relatively little during the heavily infected counties are mainly in the South and West of Germany. To see the district view, you need to users right on the website on the Button "Landkreise" click.

Robert-Koch-Institute , The map shows all the Corona case numbers for all the counties.

In addition, users will see on the Website, such as the increase in the number of cases of day-to-day and which age groups are suffering from Coronavirus.

Click on the County you will receive detailed information on the situation in the respective Region. The absolute Corona are listed case numbers, deaths in the district and the Corona-cases per 100.00 inhabitants. Robert-Koch-Institute in a Detailed view in each County.

With the constantly updated map of castles of the epidemic can be high as well as regions which are hardly affected by the Coronavirus, at a glance.

What is a Ghost for many people a fright, in these days, the Corona-crisis nationwide, more and more likely. Bavaria decided as the first state, a far-reaching output restrictions, already at the weekend, other States could follow. But then what would be allowed, how high the possible penalties are? Read here what you need to know to output restrictions.

What you need to know now about the novel Coronavirus. When should you get tested? This PDF book shows you how to protect yourself from infections and what you can do to strengthen your immune system. In addition, you will find recommended Doctors from the key subject areas.

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