Health experts want 9pm watershed on junk food ads to prevent obesity in kids

Health experts want 9pm watershed on junk food ads to prevent obesity in kids

Health experts want a 9pm watershed on junk food ads to protect kids.

The World Cancer Research Fund said countries including the UK are failing to protect children from “harmful” marketing.

It claims it is a human rights issue because the Government has a duty to “protect, respect and fulfil children’s right to health”.

Previous research has shown seeing 4.4 minutes of food ads was associated with kids eating 60 more calories a day – just 46 extra could lead to excess weight.

The body says restrictions are “urgently required”.

Caroline Cerny, of the Obesity Health Alliance, said: “The food industry uses a range of techniques to keep the spotlight on their products and evidence shows children are particularly vulnerable.”

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“TV shows and websites popular with children are flooded with adverts for high fat and sugary products and the Government needs to do more to ensure that children are adequately protected.

“There is overwhelming public support for a 9pm watershed on junk food adverts across all types of media.

“If we ignore the evidence and calls for stronger marketing restrictions to uphold child rights and improve child health, the UK will not make progress on reversing its childhood obesity rates.”

Advertising high fat, salt and sugar foods is already banned on children’s channels and the Government last year opened a consultation on broader restrictions.

  • Cancer

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