Five early symptoms of dementia that can appear in daily life

Five early symptoms of dementia that can appear in daily life

Steve Thompson recalls signs of his early-onset dementia

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Dementia doesn’t describe one specific disease but various conditions that have one thing in common – an impaired ability to think and remember certain events. Without a cure, early diagnosis remains the best solution for delaying the progression of the brain condition. Understanding the full scope of various symptoms has proven crucial in this.

There are many different types of dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease being considered one of the most prevalent.

There’s currently no cure for the mind-robbing disease but you can still get treatment that can help lessen your symptoms.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are five warning signs that could break the news of Alzheimer’s disease.

Memory loss that disrupts daily life

While this sign is the best-known red flag of any dementia type, memory loss tends to be one of the earliest symptoms.

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You can start forgetting recently learned information, important dates and events.

This might prompt you to ask the same questions over and over again or rely on memory aids.

The non-profit organisation explains you might start taking down notes and set up reminders.

It adds that one “typical” change is forgetting names or appointments but remembering them later.

Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships

While this isn’t always a sign of Alzheimer’s, some people start having problems with vision.

You may start having trouble reading, judging distances between places or determining colours.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, this may even lead to problems with your balance and driving.

Decreased or poor judgment

Sadly, Alzheimer’s disease can target your decision-making skills, leaving you struggling when dealing with money.

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Furthermore, people with the mind-robbing condition might start paying less attention to grooming or keeping themselves clean.

Withdrawal from work or social activities

Your social life can also take a hit, as you start having trouble holding conversations or following situations.

This often causes patients to withdraw from hobbies, social activities or other engagements. 

Patients might also lose interest in family and social obligations as a result.

Changes in mood and personality

Once Alzheimer’s disease starts taking over your brain, your mood and personality can start to change.

The Alzheimer’s Association explains: “They can become confused, suspicious, depressed, fearful or anxious. 

“They may be easily upset at home, with friends or when out of their comfort zone.”

Furthermore, this may cause patients to become irritated when their routine is disrupted.

The non-profit organisation adds: “These are significant health concerns that should be evaluated by a doctor, and it’s important to take action to figure out what’s going on.”

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