Covid-19: Scabies should stop Coronavirus in just 48 hours – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Covid-19: Scabies should stop Coronavirus in just 48 hours – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Already approved scabies means to stop a novel Coronavirus within 48 hours

In all Parts of the earth scientists conduct research for new drugs against the spread of the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV 2; COVID-19-pathogens). Due to the messages that certain compounds could stop a COVID-19-disease roll over. Scientists at the “Monash University”, Melbourne (Australia) were able to achieve according to their own figures good progress in an already approved drug that actually, in the case of scabies (scabies) and head lice is used.

Ivermectin should stop the propagation of the Coronavirus

Currently several clinical studies are carried out in order to possible therapies against COVID-test 19zu. One of these studies has now shown that the drug Ivermectin can inhibit within 48 hours the replication of SARS-CoV-2 viruses. The medicine is actually lice in the treatment of head, the flow of disease and scabies are applied. The ingredient is considered to be the “makricyclischen Lactones”.

Reduction of viruses after 24 hours

The study’s leader, Dr. Kylie Wagstaff from Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute reported that the drug Ivermectin could stop the growth of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus in cell cultures within 48 hours. “We found that a single dose can remove Substantially the entire viral RNA within 48 hours and even after 24 hours, a really significant reduction occurs,” says Dr. Wagstaff in a press release about the new study results.

Already approved drug

Basically, the Problem is that an approval procedure of drugs needed for a very long time in the research. Therefore, the end focus Research especially on already-approved drugs, as this would be available in a timely manner. Ivermectin is an already FDA-approved Parasiticide. In the case of the medium could be demonstrated, that “it is also resistant to a wide range of viruses such as HIV, Dengue, Influenza, and Zika effective,” says the research team in the Fachmagzin Antiviral Research.

Study not been tested yet in the organism

However, Dr. Wagstaff warned that the Tests conducted in this study in vitro was carried out, and that human studies need to be carried out. As in vitro (Latin for ‘in glass’) refers to organic processes that take place outside of a living organism, in contrast to those that occur in the living organism (in vivo). Therefore, the first results are hopeful, but not conclusive.

Next step: studies in a living organism

The next step is a large-scale studies in human subjects is now. “Ivermectin is used very often and as a safe medication is regarded. We now need to find out, whether the dosage, which can be applied in humans, is also effective,“ says Dr Wagstaff.

“In a time where we have a global pandemic and there is no approved treatment could help with a connection that is already available around the world, the people sooner,” Wagstaff continued. Because, realistically, it will take a while until a vaccine is widely available. Prof. Christian Dorsten mentioned in the daily Corona-Update-Podcast on NDR Info, that a vaccine 2021 market would be at the earliest in the year is ripe.

Although the mechanism according to the Ivermectin on the Virus works is not known, whether, in view of its effect on other viruses is likely that it is the ability of the Virus to inhibit, to outwit the defenses of the cells, said Dr Wagstaff.

Virologists involved in the study

Dr. Leon Caly from the Royal Melbourne Hospital, a senior medical scientist at the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL) at the Doherty Institute, where the experiments with different species of corona virus have been carried out, is the first author of the study. “As a virologist, was part of the team, the SARS-COV2 in January 2020, for the first time outside of China, isolated and shared, I am happy about the prospect of Ivermectin as a potential drug against COVID-19 to use,” said Dr. Caly.

Already in 2012, an anti-it was demonstrated viral effect

Already in the year of 2012 for Ivermectin, an anti-viral effect was detected. Dr. Wagstaff and Professor David Jans from the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute doing research for the past ten years, the viral properties of the Agent Acting. Therefore, the scientists began already at the outbreak of the SARS to explore the CoV-2 Virus, whether Ivermectin could also achieve an effect.

Further clinical studies are necessary

The use of Ivermectin for the control of COVID-19 would depend on the results of further preclinical testing and finally clinical trials, where urgent funding is required to continue the work, says Dr. Wagstaff. If and when the research work is continued, is, therefore, still unclear.(sb)