Corona-armed: WHO the boss can Trump emergence of

Corona-armed: WHO the boss can Trump emergence of

The Coronavirus pandemic, keeps the world in breath: More than two million people worldwide are already infected with the Virus 142.422 of them in Germany. To slow the spread of the Coronavirus, have placed the countries of the world some very strict rules. All the latest News about the corona virus epidemic, you can find it in the Ticker from FOCUS Online.

The world health organization (WHO) has pointed out in a dispute with the United States on their educational work in the Corona-crisis on early information to the following address of Washington. "Nothing is hidden from the USA, and has been since the first Tag", WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stressed on Monday in Geneva. He confirmed a report of the "Washington Post", US-experts at the world health organization (WHO) have continuously received information about the Corona location in China. From President Donald Trump, appointed to U.S. health officials "regularly on the highest Ebenen" with WHO representatives advised that the Corona-have a crisis unfolds, the newspaper reported. Salvatore Di Nolfi/KEYSTONE/dpa Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the world health organization (WHO)

Not only the United States had its own experts at the WHO, but also other States, – said Tedros. The presence of mean but no advantage compared to other countries. "We give our information jedem", Tedros said. This is in the Corona-crisis prerequisite for a good prevention.

Trump had caused on Tuesday last week to stop U.S. contributions to the WHO. He’s doing the organization for many deaths in the crisis share responsibility and accuses her to have a pandemic with mismanagement and reliance on information from China dramatically worse.

In a particularly violently from the Corona pandemic taken in the U.S. state of New York, the number of deaths has fallen, meanwhile, for the first time in days, the number of 500 – the last time the number was at 2. April under 500 been. The daily number of deaths had decreased to 478, said Governor Andrew Cuomo on Monday during his daily press conference. In the past few weeks, every day, up to almost 800 people in the state had died with almost 20 million inhabitants. After the announcement of relatively stringent output restrictions a month ago, the Numbers of newly Infected declined in New York last already well. Overall, so far, significantly less patients had to be predicted in the clinics than before.  

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