Care of staff and students charged the health – Naturopathy, naturopathic specialist portal

Care of staff and students charged the health – Naturopathy, naturopathic specialist portal

The care of other people brings disadvantages?

Who cares for other people, seems to be a socio to be economically disadvantaged and to have a higher risk for poorer mental and physical health. This finding is important, because our life is increasing maintenance, which in turn, more and more people need in old age, some Form of care.

In the current investigation of the University of Southampton inequalities have been identified, which men and women over fifty years faced, the responsibility for caring for other people are wearing. The results were published in the English journal “the European Journal of Public Health”.

Proportion of older people increases


The life expectancy in Europe is increasing, which leads, in conjunction with falling birth rates to a change in the society. The proportion of older people increases in the proportion of people of working age. An ageing population increases the demand for care.

Impact of care responsibilities

New research by the University of Southampton have demonstrated the inequalities with which men and women over fifty years faced the responsibility of Care for other people are wearing. Caregivers in this age group are not at a disadvantage only more socio-economically, they also have more problems with their mental and physical health than people who do not care.

Data from more than 8,000 people were evaluated

The research group analysed in the study, the results of over 8,000 men and women who were involved in the Health and Employment after Fifty (HEAF) study of the University’s Medical Research Council.

Many people have a Form of care responsibility

The results of the investigation show that almost a fifth of men and about a quarter of the women reported some Form of caring responsibility. Persons that provided the highest level of care, both in terms of the social layer as well as on the level of education are more disadvantaged than those with no caring responsibility. It showed that the care workers more likely to be unemployed or retired were. Working caregivers were also more likely to be in part-time work or in shifts.

Health impact on caregivers


When looking at the health outcomes for the persons in care, the Team found that those who worked more than twenty hours of care per week, patients with greater probability of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and muscle – skeletal pain, depression, and sleep problems suffered.

Caregivers need to be better supported

The study has thrown a new light on the disadvantages to which people are exposed, the need to care about your friends or family members, as well as to the significant impact of the care on the own health and work ability. Many people have to give up in the course of their lives, their jobs, in order to maintain, for example, members. It is crucial to ensure that the Care that sufficient support is available. This ensures that these people stay healthy and productive and will eventually not even are in need of care. (as)

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