Boost your gut health with this plant-packed baked eggs recipe

Boost your gut health with this plant-packed baked eggs recipe

Struggling to meet the 30 plants a week gut-health target? This recipe, courtesy of the I Love Fruit & Veg from Europe campaign, contains seven – meaning you’d be well on your way to meeting the goal by lunch.

If there’s one gut health-improving tip that experts seem to universally agree with, it’s aiming to eat 30 different plants a week. By feeding our guts a range of  different fibrous plants, we increase the microbiome’s diversity – which is the key to a healthy gut.

But if 30 plants sounds like an impossible dream, then listen up: you’re probably eating more plants than you realise. This recipe, for example, contains at least seven and boasts protein (both from eggs and black beans), immunity-supporting spices (hello, cumin) and a load of vitamin C (tomatoes).

Make this for brunch, and you’re well on your way to meeting your weekly goal before lunchtime. Serve up with some crusty sourdough – another gut-healthy food bursting with fermented goodness.


1 tbsp oil

1 onion, sliced (190g)

2 green chillies, 1 finely chopped, 1 sliced

1 tsp mild chilli powder

½ tsp ground cumin

400g can black beans, drained and rinsed

400g can chopped tomatoes

4 medium eggs

To serve

Sliced avocado

Soured cream



Preheat oven to 200°C, gas mark 6.

Heat the oil in a large ovenproof frying pan and fry the onion and chopped chillies for 5 minutes. 

 Stir in the spices and cook for 1 minute.

Stir in the beans and chopped tomatoes with 100ml water and simmer for 5 minutes. 

Make four hollows and crack an egg into each. Scatter over the sliced chilli and bake for 8-10 minutes until the egg white has just set.

Top with avocado, soured cream and coriander and serve with crusty bread to mop up all the sauce.

Image and recipe courtesy of I Love Fruit and Veg from Europe. Find out more about the campaign on Instagram @ilovefruitandvegfromeuropecouk.

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