Aspirin side effects to watch for when going to the toilet – get checked out ‘immediately’

Aspirin side effects to watch for when going to the toilet – get checked out ‘immediately’

AstraZeneca: Aspirin is 'probably more dangerous' says expert

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There are some side effects that, if you experience, require you to contact your doctor immediately.

Five of them, say the Mayo Clinic, relate to the excretion of waste from your body.

In other words, urinating (peeing) or defecating (pooing).

Two of the five relate to defecating.

You should consult your GP if you experience diarrhoea after taking aspirin.

Furthermore, you should also watch out for black or tarry faeces.

If your poo does turn black, this might have been caused by bleeding in your gastrointestinal tract.

Two of these five symptoms relate to urination.

These include dark urine and cloudy urine.

If you see blood in your pee, this may also be as a result of taking aspirin.

Surprisingly, the act of being unable to poo: constipation, is also a side effect of taking low dose aspirin.

Not everyone will get these side effects, but it is important to be aware of them so you know to act.

The full list of side effects will be on the leaflet the aspirin comes with or explained to you by your doctor or GP.

Not everyone can take low-dose aspirin.

The NHS says, for example, that it is not safe for children.

You might not be prescribed aspirin if you have:
• An allergy to painkillers
• A stomach ulcer
• Indigestion
• Asthma
• Liver or kidney problems
• Heavy periods
• High blood pressure
• A blood clotting problem
• Recently had a stroke
• Gout

Aspirin can also be helpful in other ways other than pain relief and reducing the risk of heart attacks or strokes.

It can also be prescribed to pregnant women to prevent pre-eclampsia.

On fertility, the NHS says: “There is no clear evidence to suggest that aspirin reduces fertility in either men or women.”

Any further queries on the use of aspirin and other medications during pregnancy can be found the BUMPS (Best Use of Medicine in Pregnancy) website.

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