Around 2000 Corona-samples remained in the laboratory – you will now need to be repeated

Around 2000 Corona-samples remained in the laboratory – you will now need to be repeated

In a laboratory in Baden-Württemberg, around 2000 samples remained on an infection with the Coronavirus are and must be expected to be repeated, for the most part. The private entity would not have had necessary for the Test chemical, therefore, the samples had not been analysed and are now partly usable.

The baden-württemberg Ministry of health and several districts informed on Sunday evening. You were in previously were of the laboratory informed. About half of the samples come alone out of the circle of Tübingen, and the Rest of the districts of Biberach, Ravensburg and the Bodensee circle.

Read more about Coronavirus here: Coronavirus outbreak in the News Ticker – the number of Corona-Infected in Germany, rising to almost 25,000

People should report to the health office

Who between the 14. and the 18. March in the districts submitted a sample and still no result and in addition, now flu-like symptoms and fever have to be at their respective health Department report, a further Test to Vera. Who have no symptoms, can be assumed with great certainty not to be infected, it was more. Who of them will show in the coming days but still have symptoms, you should also the health Department report. Parallel will now be examined whether at least a part of the broken samples can still be used.

"The procedure of the laboratory maintains all of the affected citizens in the dark and is not akzeptabel", the Ministry and the counties highlighted in your message.

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FOCUS Online/Wochit Where occurs Coronavirus on? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease