When will Covid booster be available? Boris’ pledge to start top up jabs THIS MONTH

When will Covid booster be available? Boris’ pledge to start top up jabs THIS MONTH

Andrew Neil discusses Covid booster jabs on This Morning

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Boris Johnson previously said a booster programme would go ahead in September, but exact dates have not yet been confirmed. So when will it begin? And who is going to get a Covid booster jab first?

The Government-backed Cov-Boost study has been underway and results are expected to be announced soon.

The Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has been carrying out the research.

They have already announced booster jab plans for immunosuppressed people.

This is everything we know so far about the third jab.

Why do you need a third Covid vaccine?

If you’ve already been double-jabbed, you’ll be enjoying some protection against getting seriously ill with coronavirus, so why do you need to top it up?

There are three main reasons behind the booster jab:

  • Be protected for longer: There is some evidence, particularly for the Pfizer vaccine, that effectiveness can decrease over time. A top up can make sure the vaccine is as effective as possible.
  • Protect against variants: Many coronavirus vaccine developers are looking at creating new versions of the vaccines in order to protect against new variants. In the meantime, research is being done to see whether booster jabs of the vaccines we already have gives more protection from new variants.
  • Help immunosuppressed adults: Immunosuppressed people have been the first group to be offered a third jab.

Who has been offered a third dose of the Covid vaccine?

So far, a third dose has been officially announced for immunosuppressed people over the age of 12.

That includes people with leukaemia, people who have recently had organ transplants or people who have HIV.

This is because these people might not have a full response to the two doses of the vaccine, leaving them less protected.

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Professor Wei Shen Lim, Chair of COVID-19 Immunisation for the JCVI, said: “We want people with severely suppressed immune systems to have the best chance of gaining protection from COVID-19 via vaccination.

“Therefore, we are advising they have a third vaccine dose on top of their initial two doses, as we hope this will reduce their risk of severe outcomes such as hospitalisation and death.”

In a statement from the JCVI, it says a third dose should be given on the advice of a specialist and at least eight weeks after the second dose.

Who will get the booster jab next?

When the official announcement is made by the Government, based on the JCVI’s research, it is expected that the third jab will be offered to:

  • everyone over 70
  • adults (16 years and over) who are clinically extremely vulnerable (the former shielding group)
  • people living in care homes
  • frontline health and social care workers

The announcement on when this will be rolled out has not been made yet, but come back to Express.co.uk for all the latest updates on when a third dose will be available.

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