Stroke risk: The drink to make at home that slashes your risk of the condition by 32%

Stroke risk: The drink to make at home that slashes your risk of the condition by 32%

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Strokes are medical emergencies and require “urgent treatment”, the NHS reports. Receiving help as early as possible can be crucial as it makes damage less likely to occur. Luckily, a new study has found drinking an affordable drink could lower your risk of this medical emergency.

Stroke causes 10 percent of deaths globally.

However, a cohort study from Tianjin Medical University found that drinking coffee may lower your risk of stroke.

This same drink could also slash the risk of dementia, which describes symptoms linked to cognitive decline.

The researchers looked at 365,682 participants from the UK Biobank.

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The participants were recruited between 2006 and 2010 and followed until 2020.

They self-reported their coffee drinking habits.

Over the study period, 5,079 participants developed dementia and 10,053 experienced at least one stroke.

The study found that people who drank between two to three cups of this hot beverage and the same amount of tea daily had a 32 percent lower risk of stroke.

The risk of dementia was slashed by 28 percent compared to people who drank neither of these hot drinks.

Having these drinks has also been linked to a lower risk of post-stroke dementia – a condition where symptoms of dementia occur after a stroke.

But the study might have some limitations as the UK Biobank reflects a “relatively healthy sample” of the population, Science Daily reports.

Dr Rosa Sancho, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Future research with participants of a range of ages and ethnicities will be needed to fully understand what types of dementia and stroke are associated with tea and coffee drinking.”

The doctor added: “Participants only reported tea and coffee consumption at the beginning of the study, and there is no data on long-term habits, so it’s not clear how relevant the findings are to long-term brain health.”

Science Daily also adds that relatively few people developed stroke or dementia during this study which might make it more difficult to generalise the findings for a larger population.

Some previous studies even reported negative effects of drinking coffee.

Dr Sancho said: “While previous studies have looked at associations between tea and coffee consumption and better brain health, there has been inconsistency in findings.”

The doctor added: “We know that stroke increases the risk of developing vascular dementia.

“Understanding which aspects of our lifestyle have the greatest effect on our brain health is key to empowering people to make informed decisions about their lives.”

In case you need reminding, here are some of the stroke symptoms:

  • Complete paralysis of one side of the body
  • Sudden loss or blurring of vision
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty understanding what others are saying
  • Problems with balance and coordination
  • Loss of consciousness.

If you think someone is having a stroke, dial 999 “immediately”, the NHS advises.

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