Researchers are concerned about 208,000 Corona-Dead in the US until November

Researchers are concerned about 208,000 Corona-Dead in the US until November

The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. More than 11 million people have been infected with the Coronavirus, 196.304 of them in Germany. The disease Covid-19 has already claimed over half a Million deaths. The latest news on Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Covid-19-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: researchers are concerned about 208,000 Covid-19-Dead in the United States until November (14.31 watch) next Austrian state imposed mask of duty (13.12 PM)

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Researchers are concerned about 208,000 Covid-19-Dead in the US until November

Until November, that could kill a widely-acclaimed model, according to the United States, a total of approximately 208 000 people after infection with the Coronavirus. The almost 80 000 people Dead, more than currently. If 95 percent of the people deceiving the Public always masks, could be the number of victims up to November, but with approximately 163 000 significantly less, stated the researchers at the Institute IHME at the University of Washington in Seattle. "Those who refuse to wear a mask, bring your life, your families, your friends and your communities in Gefahr", Institute Director Christopher Murray said on Tuesday (local time). Reuters/Frank Franklin II/AP/dpa train station is Grand Central Terminal in New York is almost empty of people.

The Institute had expected the middle of June already, with about 200 000 deaths until October. In the face of temporarily declining Infection rates, the researchers adjusted their forecast to around 175 000 down. The renewed increase in the forecast was, therefore, to the strong rise in new infections in the South of the United States and the Outlook for the autumn months due to said IHME. In September and October, you can expect to pay at the beginning of the flu season, with a significant increase in the Corona of death, it said.

Data from the Johns Hopkins University, there are in the United States so far nearly three million well-known Coronavirus infections. On Tuesday alone, there were close to 60 000 new infections, as many as never before in one day. The causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 can trigger the lung disease Covid-19. More than 131 000 people died in the United States on or in connection with an infection.

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