“Only the distance is an expression of welfare”: Social Distancing works

“Only the distance is an expression of welfare”: Social Distancing works

To stay at home, as far as it goes: This is currently the most important tip that you should follow each Individual in the fight against the Coronavirus. The idea is that The less contact people have, the lower the risk of further spread of the Virus Sars-CoV-2. Especially larger people are taboo collections therefore. Too close personal contacts can be the Problem.

Also, German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that it is for the best, “to have hardly any contacts to the very Old”, because they are particularly vulnerable. “At the Moment, only the distance is an expression of care,” Merkel said in her televised address to the Corona-crisis.

The main rules for Social Distancing from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Federal centre for health education (BZgA) at a Glance:

Social Distancing: contacts reduce, but Vulnerable support

Contacts reduce without strict Isolation or quarantine there are plenty of ways to contact me other to a Minimum please. Who can and may, working in the home office. Appointments with friends, Relatives and Acquaintances, you should cancel, large birthday or wedding parties, if possible, move. And the private car and Bicycle are currently better means of transportation than Bus and train.

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Plenty of distance: the Whole of the contact with other people, sure not to avoid, be it for professional or for private reasons. The RKI advises to restrict this to a few and known persons so that infections can be tracked. Additional precautions apply: at least, better two meters at a distance and on all greeting rituals such as handshakes and hugs without. And, of course, is always true: consistently washing your hands!

Anti-cyclically go out – or not: Who can, is not to push times shopping, but exactly when supermarkets or pharmacies rather empty. Of Visits to Restaurants and Cafés, the BZgA advises against in General. Increasingly such places are closed anyway. The same is true for all public places with crowds of people, from the sports – or Playground to the shopping centre.

Children separately care: day-care centres and schools, mom and dad in the home office. Since the idea is to take care of the children together and to let at least a part of the parents to work in peace. However, the German society for infectiology (DGI) advises against explicitly – especially when the support group meets in a constantly changing occupation. If at all, should the there are Private daycare centers from a very few and always the same children and parents.

Risk patient-no direct contact!

Vulnerable support: Human contacts to avoid – this is even more true for people who belong to the risk groups, especially for the Elderly and the chronically Ill. At the same time they are restricted in their freedom of movement at the most. Who can, should offer you his help, for shopping and errands about.

What’s important here is that helpers and risk patient are not in direct contact, so Prof. John Ziebuhr, Director of the Institute for Medical Virology at the University of Giessen. The best time to organize the shopping by telephone and the bags just in front of the door. An infection in this way – so the money or the Handle of a bag is rather unlikely.

  • All of the developments for Coronavirus, you can read here.

Fresh air: sunlight and oxygen are more important. Finally, the physical and also important mental health benefit. The virologist Christian Drosten recommends, therefore, to go further into the open – but with caution. “It is not so that you can go walking, if you encounter infected,” he said on Friday (13. March) in his NDR Podcast.

However, it is also true here: the distance is important. Who wants to run, doing this alone and not with his running group. And who wants to read in the sun newspaper, is looking for a lonely Park bench.

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