Handy tips for working moms to keep their toddlers safe amidst a pandemic

Handy tips for working moms to keep their toddlers safe amidst a pandemic

In times like these, it is very crucial for toddlers to have a specific routine.

By Aakanksha Bhargava

With the vaccination on its way, the scare around COVID-19 is slowly diminishing. Doctors and scientists are effortlessly working towards ensuring that the vaccine is provided to everyone. Amidst the uncertainty with respect to the vaccines, offices and schools opening up, the situation is becoming too much tricky for the average working mom to ensure the safety of their toddlers and kids. Not only with respect to their physical health but also their mental health and happiness. While the situation is evolving swiftly, concerns about toddlers and kids are weighing heavy on the minds of parents. Here are a few key tips which I ensure for a healthy and peaceful environment around my toddler:

Have a routine

In times like these, it is very crucial for toddlers to have a specific routine. I feel one of the main reasons why both me and my toddler, Samaira had a peaceful time at home during the lockdown as right from the morning we ensured that she followed a specific routine. Whether it was the right brain learning classes she took virtually or eating at a specific time. Following a routine helped her to not be all over the place. This also ensured that she was in a much happy place and was less cranky since we as working moms need few hours specifically dedicated to our work.

Ensure proper diet

When it comes to food, snacking and offering sweets/ chocolate etc can seem like an easy fix, especially when the child gets cranky or is crying. However, what seems like an easy fix often turns into a very addictive habit for the toddler which is bad especially given the rising health concerns due to excessive sugar and fat content. It is very crucial to keep a tap around what a child prefers eating. One can also choose to opt for healthier alternatives to junk food. Having carrot sticks, makhana etc for snacks is a much healthier option in comparison to the other snacks. Not only is this healthy with respect to the child’s health but it also helps with proper nourishment and brain development.

Have a roleplay session

Have you ever wondered when your child picked up the phone and pretended to be talking to someone or they suddenly got hold of the broom and started brooming the place, or perhaps they just picked up the remote and drove it around like a car! Our toddlers tend to learn by seeing people and things around. Hence, role play is also a wonderful option to keep your toddler occupied and happy. Roleplay helps with the fundamentals in enhancing the skill required for the healthy development of the child. Not only is this fun for the child but it also encourages them to use their imagination, promotes performance and also boosts creativity. It also allows them to take up characters that act out real-life roles.

Engage kids in fun activities

One can also use this opportunity to enjoy with the toddlers and kids. During this time children might still have schoolwork to do but still might run out of ideas when it comes to spending so much free time. Hence, it becomes even more important to enjoy this time together with the kids and build on some amazing memories. I make sure that I spend some time dancing, singing and helping Samaira paint too. Since she is just 18 months, it is crucial that we engage in some activities which help burn her energy and learn some core skills apart from playing around with her toys. If you have children, you could perhaps help them build on their cooking and gardening skills. It is very important to stay calm and use this time to build on hobbies that stick with them for life.

Run basic home errands together

A lot of parents today feel that running home errands with the kids helps the toddler learn more holistically. Keeping the right balance between work and play and asking the child to clear up their toys and books by keeping them in the right place will help the child learn crucial organisational skills. While older kids can be asked to help set up the plates for dinner, help with grocery shopping or asked to clean up their rooms. Not only does this help with skills development but it also encourages the child to be responsible, accountable, and independent.

At last, I wish that you all choose to spend some quality and nurturing time with your kids by staying indoors.

(The author is CEO, PMR)

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