Child beer affair in Bavaria: councillors celebrate Corona Party

Child beer affair in Bavaria: councillors celebrate Corona Party

The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. More than 8.5 million people have been infected so far worldwide, with the novel Coronavirus, 188.716 in Germany – where it always comes back to local outbreaks.

Child beer affair in Bavaria: councillors celebrate Corona Party

In the upper Bavarian Penzberg, the host of the town hall has invited a child of beer, on the birth of his son to initiate. With Many members of the city Council, which had convened in the room next door. The local newspaper “The yellow sheet reports”.

Problematic, because at the Celebration on the 26. May was only allowed to the Meeting of people from two households, and the lock-up period for the indoor gastronomy was 22 PM. Controversial also because the Celebration took place by the way, in the vicinity of the police headquarters – without the anonymous note would not be blown.

The police caught the mayor, the former mayor and many aldermen. "In hindsight, it was a great stupidity,“ said mayor Stefan Korpan of the sheet. And CSU-Chef Nick Lisson said: "It is a dumb was a sense and the most expensive child beer of my life."

All present a high fine is now threatening. The most expensive is likely to be the penalty for the hosts. The host 5000 Euro fine threaten. The question the anonymous witnesses heats up, meanwhile, the rumor mill in the small town.

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